Numerical Weather Prediction
Model information (Last updated: September 1, 2015)
The WRF (version 3.6.1) with Polar Mods (Polar WRF) setting is used in the real-time numerical weather predictions over the Greenland. The Polar Mods were developed by the Polar Meteorology Group at The Ohio State University to better handle Arctic/Antarctic conditions for forecasting purposes. In this configuration, the model consists of 421x481 grid points with a horizontal resolution 8 km. In vertical, the model has 48 terrain-following levels, and the top pressure is set to 10 hPa.
The Greenland WRF runs contain the following parameterization schemes:
- Goddard GCE scheme
- RRTMG radiation scheme
- MYNN surface layer scheme
- Noah Land Surface Model surface physics scheme
- MYNN planetary boundary layer scheme
- Kain-Fritsch (new Era) cumulus parameterization scheme
The model starts at 0000/1200 UTC as its initial times every day and produces a 96-hour prediction for the State of Ohio. The initial and boundary conditions are interpolated from the daily 0000/1200 UTC run of the Global Forecast System (GFS) issued by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).
Model output information
The following real-time model outputs are placed on the website:
- Spatial Plots:
- Near surface: 2m temperature, 10m wind and sea level pressure
- 850 hPa temperature, wind and height
- 700 hPa temperature, wind and height
- 500 hPa temperature, wind and height
- 6 hour total precipitation
- 1000 to 500 hPa thickness and sea level pressure
- 700 hPa relative humidity, wind and height
- 500 hPa absoultely vorticity, wind and height
- 300 hPa isotachs, wind and height
- Skew-T/Log-P Diagrams: at selected stations
- Time Series Plots: at selected stations
Any comments or questions about the real-time numerical weather prediction. Please mail to